
Showing posts from January, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

Pass up Unit 1, Lesson 13 Packet Debrief Socratic Seminars & pass back feedback/rubrics 1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Sharing Structured Notes (3 minutes) B.    Reviewing the Learning Target (2 minutes) I can determine the gist of excerpts of Brown v Board of Education . I can use evidence from Brown v. Board of Education to support my understanding of the text and the desegregation of schools in the South. 2.      Work Time A.    Building Background Knowledge: Brown v. Board of Education (8 minutes) B.    Reading Brown v. Board of Education Excerpts (27 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Reviewing the Learning Targets and Previewing Homework (5 minutes) 4.      Homework Finish all parts of Unit 2, Lesson 1: Read Chapter 7, pages 124-140 in A Mighty Long Way and complete the structur...

Friday, January 31, 2020

1.      Opening A.    Reviewing Learning Targets (3 minutes)   I can make connections between the texts I have read in this unit, and the title and lyrics in “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around” and “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”   I can cite evidence from the text to support my connections between the lyrics and text. I can listen to others and build on their ideas during a Socratic Seminar discussion . B.    Making Discussion Goals (10 minutes) 2.      Work Time A.    Socratic Seminars (25 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Self-Assessment and Teacher Feedback (7 minutes) 4.      Homework A.    Read Chapter 6, pages 99-123 in A Mighty Long Way and complete the structured notes. B.  Read a good book--perhaps the one related to your Genius Hour project. C.  Set aside time to work on your G...

Thursday, January 30, 2020

1.      Opening A.    Reviewing Learning Targets (3 minutes) I can make connections between the texts I have read in this unit and the lyrics in the second stanza of “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” I can cite evidence from the text to support my connections between the lyrics and text. 2.      Work Time A.    Introducing the Second Stanza of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” (15 minutes)     B.    Preparing Notes for the Socratic Seminar (22 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Reviewing Homework (5 minutes) 4.      Homework A.    Finish recording connections between the lyrics and the texts you have read on your note-catcher. Identify the three or four most relevant and compelling connections with text-based evidence that you have recorded on your two Connecting Lyrics to Text note-catchers over the past couple of l...

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1.      Opening A.    Returning Mid-Unit Assessments? (5 minutes) B.    Reviewing Learning Targets (3 minutes) I can make connections between the texts I have read in this unit, and the title and lyrics in “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around.” I can cite evidence from the text to support my connections between the lyrics and text. 2.      Work Time A.    Introducing the Discussion Prompt and Rubric (12 minutes)     B.    Preparing Notes for the Socratic Seminar (20 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Sharing Evidence (5 minutes) 4.      Homework A.    Finish recording connections between the song title and lyrics, “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around,” and texts you have read on your note-catcher. B.    Continue to read your independent reading book. C.  If you needed t...

Tuesday, January 28, 2019

Turn in your Homework (Unit 1, Lesson 9 Packet)   I can analyze how incidents in A Mighty Long Way provoke Carlotta to make certain decisions and shape her story. I can cite evidence that supports my analysis of A Mighty Long Way . 1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Author’s Craft (8 minutes) B.    Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes) 2.      Work Time A.    Analyzing Carlotta’s Journey (30 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Give One, Get One (5 minutes) 4.      Homework Finish classwork Continue to read your independent reading book. If you haven't yet met with me to talk about Genius Hour Next Steps, do so today or tomorrow. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Structured Notes Focus Question from Chapter 4 and Journey to Justice Note-catcher (8 minutes) B.    Reviewing Learning Targets (1 minute)   I can explain how the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling codified the Jim Crow laws.   I can explain how the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case connects to the Jim Crow laws. I can use sentence starters to build on others’ ideas. 2.      Work Time A.    Analyzing Jim Crow Laws (5 minutes) B.    World Café (30 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Previewing Homework (1 minute) 4.      Homework Complete Quickwrite #1, if you didn't in class today. Read Chapter 5 and complete the structured notes. Meet with Ms. EL at break or lunch today or tomorrow to discuss your Genius Hour Project. Read a good book.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Turn in your homework 1.      Opening 2.     Discussion: Mid-Unit 1 Assessment Prompt (13 minutes) 3.     Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes) I can present in writing how the authors of the court’s decision and the dissenting opinion on Plessy v. Ferguson disagree on their interpretations of the 13th and 14th Amendments. I can cite evidence to support my ideas of how the court’s decision and the dissenting opinion disagree on their interpretation of the 13th and 14th Amendments.  4.     Work Time 5.     Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Conflicting Interpretations of the 13th and 14th Amendments (25 minutes) 6.     Closing and Assessment 7.     Debrief (5 minutes) 8.     Homework   Continue reading your independent reading book or choose a new book related to the topic of this Module or to your Genius Hour area of interest. Read ov...

Thursday, January 23, 2020

1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Reviewing the Court’s Decision (5 minutes) What did the 13th Amendment do? What did the 14th Amendment do? What were some of the main claims in the Plessy v. Ferguson decision? B.    Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes) I can cite evidence to analyze the importance of the Plessy v. Ferguson case. I can determine the court’s point of view in its decision on the Plessy v. Ferguson case. I can analyze how the authors of the court’s decision and the dissenting opinion on Plessy v. Ferguson disagree on matters of interpretation. 2.      Work Time A.    Plessy v. Ferguson Close Reading: The Dissenting Opinion (30 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Adding to the Notes (8 minutes) 4.      Homework A.    Reread Plessy v. Ferguson : Key Excerpts from the Dissenting Opin...

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

I can cite evidence to analyze the importance of the  Plessy v. Ferguson  case. I can determine the court’s point of view in its decision on the  Plessy v. Ferguson  case. I can analyze how the authors of the court’s decision and the dissenting opinion on  Plessy v. Ferguson  disagree on matters of interpretation. 1.       Opening A.     Engaging the Reader: Key Vocabulary Quiz-Quiz- Trade (10 minutes) B.     Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes) 2.       Work Time A.     Close Reading: The  Plessy v. Ferguson  Decision (28 minutes) 3.       Closing and Assessment A.     Modeling: Taking Notes (5 minutes) 4.       Homework A.     Reread  Plessy v. Ferguson : Key Excerpts from the Decision B.     Complete the first two que...

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

•      I can cite evidence to analyze the importance of the Plessy v. Ferguson case. *  I can determine the court’s point of view in its decision on the Plessy v. Ferguson case. 1.      Opening A.    Building Background Knowledge: The Five W’s of the Plessy v. Ferguson Case (7 minutes) B.    Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes) 2.      Work Time A.    Reading for Gist: The Plessy v. Ferguson Decision (12 minutes) B.    Vocabulary Review and Rereading the Text (15 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Comparing Understandings of the Plessy v. Ferguson Decision (8 minutes) 4.      Homework A.    Reread Plessy v. Ferguson : Key Excerpts from the Court’s Decision and highlight unknown words. Define each word in the organizer on the last page of the handout. B.  Read a good bo...

Friday, January 17, 2020

Pass up your Unit 1, Lesson 3 Packet •      I can determine the central idea of the 14th Amendment. *  I can determine the meaning of words and phrases in the 14th Amendment.  1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Structured Notes Focus Question and Journey to Justice Note-catcher (15 minutes) B.    Previewing Learning Targets (3 minutes) 2.      Work Time A.    Determining the Central Idea: The 14th Amendment (25 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Previewing Homework (2 minutes) 4.      Homework Read Chapter 4 and complete the structured notes. Talk with your family and friends about the three things you might like to learn more about.  What interests you about it? What are their thoughts? Check out a good book and read it.  Bring it with you each day.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Turn in Unit 2, Lesson 2 and discuss the list of three things you might like to learn more about with your partner. 1.      Opening A.    Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes) •      I can analyze how incidents in A Mighty Long Way provoke Carlotta to make certain decisions and shape her story. •       I can use a Frayer Model to deepen my understanding of words in  A Mighty Long Way . *   I can cite evidence that supports my analysis of  A Mighty Long Way . B.     Engaging the Reader: Justice Frayer Model (10 minutes) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Turn in your Vacation Reading Assignment and Unit 1, Lesson 1 Packet 1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Structured Notes and Family Tree Activity (5 minutes) B.    Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes) 2.      Work Time A.    New Discussion Appointments (6 minutes) B.    Context of the Integration of Schools: The End of the Civil War (15 minutes) Click here to watch this video. C.     Inferring Character: Chalkboard Splash (12 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Turn and Talk and Previewing Homework (5 minutes) 4.      Homework A.  Read Chapter 2 and complete the structured notes. B.  Due Thursday: Write down a list of three things you might enjoy studying for Genius Hour.  What would you like to learn more about? C.  Due Friday: Clear out your LA binder (but do not throw a...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Welcome Back! New Seats! Get: Chromebook, headphones, packet, book  1. Opening A. Gallery Walk : Jim Crow South (20 minutes) B. Unpacking Learning Targets (3 minutes) • I can use items about the civil rights era to build background knowledge about A Mighty Long Way. • I can analyze how incidents in A Mighty Long Way provoke Carlotta to make certain decisions and shape her story. 2. Work Time A. Engaging the Reader: Read-aloud (12 minutes) B. Establishing Reading Routines: Reading Homework with Structured Notes (5 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Debrief Learning Targets (5 minutes) 4. Homework A. Read Chapter 1 and complete the structured notes (Unit 1, Lesson 1 Handout). B.  Vacation Reading Assignment due tomorrow C.  Due Thursday: Write down a list of three things you might enjoy studying for Genius Hour.  What would you like to learn more about? D.  Due Friday: Clear out your LA binder (but do not throw anything away) and organize t...