Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1.     Opening
A.   Returning Mid-Unit Assessments? (5 minutes)
B.   Reviewing Learning Targets (3 minutes)
  • I can make connections between the texts I have read in this unit, and the title and lyrics in “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around.”
  • I can cite evidence from the text to support my connections between the lyrics and text.

2.     Work Time
A.   Introducing the Discussion Prompt and Rubric (12 minutes)   
B.   Preparing Notes for the Socratic Seminar (20 minutes)

3.     Closing and Assessment
A.   Sharing Evidence (5 minutes)

4.     Homework
A.   Finish recording connections between the song title and lyrics, “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around,” and texts you have read on your note-catcher.
B.   Continue to read your independent reading book.
C.  If you needed to revise your GH list, please resubmit it tomorrow.

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