Monday, February 3, 2020

Pass up Unit 1, Lesson 13 Packet

Debrief Socratic Seminars & pass back feedback/rubrics

1.     Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader: Sharing Structured Notes (3 minutes)
B.   Reviewing the Learning Target (2 minutes)

  • I can determine the gist of excerpts of Brown v Board of Education.
  • I can use evidence from Brown v. Board of Education to support my understanding of the text and the desegregation of schools in the South.

2.     Work Time
A.   Building Background Knowledge: Brown v. Board of Education (8 minutes)
B.   Reading Brown v. Board of Education Excerpts (27 minutes)

3.     Closing and Assessment
A.   Reviewing the Learning Targets and Previewing Homework (5 minutes)

4.     Homework
  • Finish all parts of Unit 2, Lesson 1: Read Chapter 7, pages 124-140 in A Mighty Long Way and complete the structured notes. Also, finish making gist notes for each paragraph of Brown v. Board of Education.
  • Work on your Genius Hour project tonight-even if it's only for 15 minutes.  Record what you learned in your notebook.  Bring the book you're reading for your Genius Hour daily.
  • Read through this New York Times obituary for Homer Plessy for gist (the NYT did not write one at the time of his death); it provides a lot more detail.

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