Friday, January 24, 2020

Turn in your homework

1.     Opening
2.    Discussion: Mid-Unit 1 Assessment Prompt (13 minutes)
3.    Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes)
  • I can present in writing how the authors of the court’s decision and the dissenting opinion on Plessy v. Ferguson disagree on their interpretations of the 13th and 14th Amendments.
  • I can cite evidence to support my ideas of how the court’s decision and the dissenting opinion disagree on their interpretation of the 13th and 14th Amendments. 

4.    Work Time
5.    Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Conflicting Interpretations of the 13th and 14th Amendments (25 minutes)

6.    Closing and Assessment
7.    Debrief (5 minutes)

8.    Homework

  •  Continue reading your independent reading book or choose a new book related to the topic of this Module or to your Genius Hour area of interest.
  • Read over your Journey to Justice Note-Catcher and see if there is anything from Carlotta's story you would like to add.
  • Decide which resource for learning you'd like to explore first.  Check out/download/borrow/buy a copy of this resource and bring it on Thursday, if possible.  If you need help, see Ms. EL.

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