Tuesday, January 28, 2019

Turn in your Homework (Unit 1, Lesson 9 Packet)

  •  I can analyze how incidents in A Mighty Long Way provoke Carlotta to make certain decisions and shape her story.
  • I can cite evidence that supports my analysis of A Mighty Long Way.

1.     Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader: Author’s Craft (8 minutes)
B.   Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes)

2.     Work Time
A.   Analyzing Carlotta’s Journey (30 minutes)

3.     Closing and Assessment
A.   Give One, Get One (5 minutes)

4.     Homework
Finish classwork
Continue to read your independent reading book.
If you haven't yet met with me to talk about Genius Hour Next Steps, do so today or tomorrow. 

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