
Showing posts from September, 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019

1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Chalkboard Splash of Evidence about “Inside” and “Outside” (8 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets (2 minutes) •      I can identify the strongest evidence in the article “Refugees: Who, Where, Why” and the novel that help me explain challenges refugees face when fleeing home. •      I can identify the strongest evidence in the article “Refugees: Who, Where, Why” and the novel that help me explain challenges refugees face finding home. •      I can write a paragraph that provides an objective summary of “Refugees: Who, Where, Why.” *  I can identify universal themes that connect refugee experiences. 2.     Work Time A.    Finding Evidence from Text: Introducing the Fleeing Home and Finding Home Anchor Charts (10 minutes) B.    Summarizing: Capturing the Essence of the Text (23 minutes) ...

Friday, September 27, 2019

Unit 2, Lesson 4 1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Chalkboard Splash (8 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets (2 minutes) I can identify the strongest evidence in the text “Refugees: Who, Where, Why” that helps me explain challenges refugees face when fleeing home. I can identify the strongest evidence in the text “Refugees: Who, Where, Why” that helps me explain challenges refugees face finding home. I can use common Greek and Latin affixes (prefixes) and roots as clues to help me know what a word means. 2.     Work Time A.    Prediction and Read-aloud of “Refugees: Who, Where, Why” (13 minutes) B.    Vocabulary in Context: Prefixes and Root Words (10 minutes) C.    Partner Reading: Reread “Refugees: Who, Where, Why” (10 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief Learning Targets and Preview Homework (2 minutes) 4.  ...

Thursday, September 26, 2019

1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: What Challenges Did Ha’s Family Face? (10 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets (2 minutes)   I can identify the strongest evidence in the text “Panic Rises in Saigon, but the Exits Are Few” that helps me explain what challenges refugees from South Vietnam faced.   I can use common Greek and Latin affixes (prefixes) and roots as clues to help me know what a word means. I can identify common themes that connect the universal refugee experience. 2.     Work Time A.    Teacher Read-aloud: “Panic Rises in Saigon, but the Exits Are Few” (5 minutes) B.    Answering Text-Dependent Questions for “Panic Rises in Saigon, but the Exits Are Few” (15 minutes) C.    Guided Practice: Vocabulary to Deepen Understanding (10 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief Learning Targets and Preview Homework (3...

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Take out your journal and discuss your entries and last night's reading Unit 2, Lesson 2 1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Establish Opening Routine (10 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets (3 minutes)   I can explain how key details in the novel reveal the challenges Ha faces and her dynamic character. I can infer the symbolism in the poem “Last Respects.” 2.     Work Time A.    Rereading Section 5 of “The Vietnam Wars”: Communism (10 minutes) B.    Rereading and Structured Notes: Learning about Ha’s Dynamic Character from the Poem “Last Respects” (20 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief Learning Targets (2 minutes) 4.     Homework Complete today's classwork (Unit 2, Lesson 2) Complete a first read of pages 91–111. Take notes (in your journals) using the Structured Notes graphic organizer.  Complete at least ...

Tuesday, September 24, 2019!

1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Things Close Readers Do (10 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets: Introducing the Concept of a Dynamic Character (5 minutes) 2.     Work Time A.    Introduce and Model Structured Notes Graphic Organizer: Pages 73–78 (10 minutes) B.    Independent Reading and Structured Notes: Focusing on Details from Pages 79–82 (15 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief Learning Targets and Preview Homework (5 minutes) 4.     Homework Complete a first read of pages 79–90.  Take notes (in your journal) using the Structured Notes graphic organizer.  Complete at least three entries.  They should be similar to the model we completed together in class today.

Monday, September 23, 2019!

1.     Opening A.    Review Learning Targets (2 minutes) 2.     Work Time A.    End of Unit 1 Assessment: Examining How Word Choice Contributes to Meaning and Tone in Literary and Informational Text (40 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief (3 minutes) Homework: Read a good book Clean out and organize your backpack and LA binder

Friday, September 20, 2019!

1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader and Review Learning Targets: “Saigon Is Gone” (8 minutes) 2.     Work Time A.    Word Choice, Tone, and Meaning: “Saigon Is Gone” (10 minutes) B.    Listening to a Read-aloud of the Transcript of “Forgotten Ship” (15 minutes) C.    Word Choice, Tone, and Meaning: “Forgotten Ship” (10 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief (2 minutes) 4.     Homework Reread and annotate both the poem “Saigon Is Gone” and the transcript  “Forgotten Ship” Complete all of the Unit 1, Lesson 13 packet End-of-Unit Assessment on Monday: organize your binder and review the work we did this unit.

Thursday, September 19, 2019!

1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader and Review Learning Targets (5 minutes) --Share QuickWrite 6 with your partner.  Give them at least one star and one step.  Pass it up. --Complete the graphic organizer for Unit 1, Lesson 11 by moving around the room.  Meet with ONE person for each character.  It should be the character they studied. Learning Intentions: --I can make inferences to deepen my understanding of the text. --I can explain how nuances in word meanings contribute to the overall tone of the poem. --I can participate effectively in discussion with a partner, small group, and with the whole class. 2.     Work Time A.    Write-Pair-Share about “Wet and Crying” (10 minutes) B.    Guided Practice: How Word Choice Contributes to Tone and Meaning (20 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief and Discussion: What Happens to Hope? (10 minutes)...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

1.      Opening A.     Engaging the Reader: How Do Possessions Reveal Something about a Person? (10 minutes) B.     Review Learning Targets (2 minutes) 2.      Work Time A.     Jigsaw, Part I: Focus on Different Characters in “Left Behind” (20 minutes) B.     Jigsaw, Part II: Small-Group Discussion: What Do Their Possessions Reveal about Ha and Her Family? (10 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.     Debrief (3 minutes) 4.      Homework Read a good book  Complete Quickwrite 6--please use a separate piece of paper for this (Note: You do not need to finish the chart we started in class today; we will finish it tomorrow in class with our team)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: How Do Possessions Reveal Something about a Person? (10 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets (2 minutes) 2.     Work Time A.    Jigsaw, Part I: Focus on Different Characters in “Left Behind” (20 minutes) B.    Jigsaw, Part II: Small-Group Discussion: What Do Their Possessions Reveal about Ha and Her Family? (10 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief (3 minutes) 4.     Homework Read a good book 

Monday, September 16, 2019

In June of 1963, Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk Thích Quang Duc burned himself to death at a busy intersection in Saigon. Caption:  Vietnam war, fall of Saigon. On April 30, a North Vietnamese tank entered the presidential palace. Saigon (Vietnam), 1975. © Françoise Demulder / Succession Demulder / Roger-Viollet / The Image Works An Air America helicopter crew member helps evacuees up a ladder on the roof of 18 Gia Long Street on April 29, 1975, shortly before the city fell to advancing North Vietnamese troops. HUGH VAN ES/UPI/NEWSCOM 1.     Opening A.    Sharing Annotations of “Doc-Lap at Last” and Review Learning Targets (5 minutes) •      I can determine the central idea of the section “Doc-Lap at Last” in the informational text “The Vietnam Wars.” •      I can objectively summarize informational text. •      I can use context clues to determine word meanings. *...

Friday, September 13, 2019

1.     Opening A.    Review of Results from Mid-Unit 1 Assessment and Review Learning Targets (10 minutes) •      I can determine the central idea of two key paragraphs of “The Vietnam Wars.” •      I can explain how Vietnam was a “battleground in a much larger struggle.” •      I can use context clues to determine word meanings. *  I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class. 2.     Work Time A.    Reorienting to Informational Text and Read-Aloud of Section 5 of “The Vietnam Wars” (15 minutes) B.    Guided Note-taking on Two Key Paragraphs: Vietnam as a “Battleground for a Much Larger Struggle” (15 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Exit Ticket (5 minutes) 4.     Homework Complete the “Questions and Notes: A Battleground for a Muc...

Thursday, September 12, 2019

1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader and Review Learning Targets: Examining the Increasing Danger Right Before the Fall of Saigon (5 minutes) •      I can make inferences to deepen my understanding of Inside Out & Back Again . •      I can cite evidence from the text to explain how the central idea develops over the course of the plot of Inside Out & Back Again . •      I can cite evidence from the text to analyze how various sections of the novel reveal aspects of Ha’s character. *  I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class. 2.     Work Time A.    Rereading “TV News” and “Closed Too Soon”: Using the Text to Understand the Crisis in Ha’s Home (20 minutes) B.    Rereading “Two More Papayas” and “Promises”: What Matters to Ha? (15 minutes) 3.     Closing and Asse...

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Reviewing Homework (8 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets (2 minutes) •      I can determine the central ideas in one section of the informational text ‘The Vietnam Wars.’ •      I can summarize a portion of an informational text about the Vietnam war. •      I can use context clues to determine word meanings. *  I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class. 2.     Work Time A.    Modified Jigsaw, Part I: Key Vocabulary and Questions (15 minutes) B.    Modified Jigsaw, Part II: Sharing our Summaries (15 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief: Adding to Our “Things Close Readers Do” Anchor Chart (5 minutes) 4.     Homework Reread Section 4, “The Fall of the French,” complete ...

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

1.     Opening A.    AR Check-In--15 points=on track (5 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets: Distinguishing Informational Text from Historical Fiction (5 minutes) I can determine the central ideas in one section of the informational text ‘The Vietnam Wars.’  I can use context clues to determine word meanings.  I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class. 2.     Work Time A.    Inferring Based on a Map and Previewing Informational Text: “The Vietnam Wars” (10 minutes) B.    Read-aloud and Guided Note-taking: Section 1 of “The Vietnam Wars” (20 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Preview Homework and Read-Aloud (5 minutes) 4.     Homework Reread Section 1 of “The Vietnam Wars,” complete Section 1 note-catcher, and read one new assigned section. Come in today at break/lunch ...

Monday, September 9, 2019

STARR & MAP test results Peer Review: Quickwrite 2 using the rubric 1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Gallery Walk about “Who Is Ha?” (10 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets (3 minutes) 2.     Work Time A.    Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Getting to Know a Character: What Details in the Text Help Us Understand Ha? (30 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief (2 minutes) 4.     Homework Read pages 22–41 and keep adding details about Ha to the T-chart in your journal Read a good book Organize your backpack and binder

Friday, September 6, 2019

Turn in your Outsiders TOPS report and Quickwrite #1 1. Opening A. Engaging the Reader: We Learn More about Ha by How She Speaks about the Papaya Tree, and about Her Brothers (5 minutes) B. Review Learning Targets (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Rereading the Text and Answering TextDependent Questions: “Papaya Tree” (12 minutes) B. Discuss QuickWrite 1 and Create Small-Group Anchor Chart: “Who Is Ha?” (13 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Debrief 5 minutes) B. Preview Unit 1 Recommended Texts List (5 minutes) 4. Homework A. Read pages 10–21 B.  Complete QuickWrite 2 C.  Read a good book this weekend

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Agenda 1.     Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: The Gist Mix and Share (5 minutes) B.    Review Learning Targets and Add to the Things Close Readers Do Anchor Chart (5 minutes) 2.     Work Time A.    Close Reading: Poem, “Inside Out” (15 minutes) B.    Guided Practice: QuickWrite (15 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A.    Debrief (5 minutes) 4.     Homework A.    Reread pages 4–9 and complete QuickWrite # 1 B.  TOPS report from The Outsiders AR test due tomorrow C.   Read a good book

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Learning Intentions I can cite text-based evidence that provides the strongest support for my analysis of literary text. (RL.8.1) I can analyze how specific dialogue or incidents in a plot propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. (RL.8.3) I can use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words or phrases (L.8.4) I can effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about eighth-grade topics, texts, and issues (SL.8.1) Success Criteria Unit 1, Lesson 2 •      I can make inferences to deepen my understanding of Inside Out & Back Again . •      I can cite evidence from the novel to explain how incidents reveal aspects of Ha’s character. •      I can use context clues to figure out word meanings. •      I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small gr...

Back to School Night

Back to School Night Presentation Click here  for the link to our class wish list. Growth Mindset Videos:

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

1.     Opening A.    Review Learning Targets (5 minutes) •      I can support my inferences with evidence from text. *  I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class. 2.     Work Time  A.    Gallery Walk/Inferences (10 minutes) B.    “Mix and Mingle” and Thinking  about Details (15 minutes) 1.     Quietly wander for 5 minutes, reading one another’s strips. Look for peers who have strips with different pieces of information from yours. 2.     Gather together in groups of 3–4, so as a group you have 8–10 different pieces of information that might fit together to tell more of the story about what is happening in the pictures in the Gallery Walk.  C.    Connecting Details and Inferences to Guiding Questions (10 minutes) 3.     Closing and Assessment A. ...