Friday, September 6, 2019

Turn in your Outsiders TOPS report and Quickwrite #1

1. Opening
A. Engaging the Reader: We Learn More about Ha by How She Speaks about the Papaya Tree, and about Her Brothers (5 minutes)
B. Review Learning Targets (5 minutes)

2. Work Time
A. Rereading the Text and Answering TextDependent Questions: “Papaya Tree” (12 minutes)
B. Discuss QuickWrite 1 and Create Small-Group Anchor Chart: “Who Is Ha?” (13 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment
A. Debrief 5 minutes)
B. Preview Unit 1 Recommended Texts List (5 minutes)

4. Homework
A. Read pages 10–21
B.  Complete QuickWrite 2
C.  Read a good book this weekend

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