Friday, September 20, 2019!

1.    Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader and Review Learning Targets: “Saigon Is Gone” (8 minutes)
2.    Work Time
A.   Word Choice, Tone, and Meaning:
“Saigon Is Gone” (10 minutes)
B.   Listening to a Read-aloud of the Transcript of “Forgotten Ship” (15 minutes)
C.   Word Choice, Tone, and Meaning: “Forgotten Ship” (10 minutes)
3.    Closing and Assessment
A.   Debrief (2 minutes)
4.    Homework
Reread and annotate both the poem “Saigon Is Gone” and the transcript  “Forgotten Ship”
Complete all of the Unit 1, Lesson 13 packet
End-of-Unit Assessment on Monday: organize your binder and review the work we did this unit.

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