Tuesday, September 3, 2019

1.    Opening
A.   Review Learning Targets (5 minutes)
     I can support my inferences with evidence from text.
*  I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class.

2.    Work Time 
B.   “Mix and Mingle” and Thinking  about Details (15 minutes)
1.    Quietly wander for 5 minutes, reading one another’s strips. Look for peers who have strips with different pieces of information from yours.
2.    Gather together in groups of 3–4, so as a group you have 8–10 different pieces of information that might fit together to tell more of the story about what is happening in the pictures in the Gallery Walk. 
C.   Connecting Details and Inferences to Guiding Questions (10 minutes)

3.    Closing and Assessment
A.   Exit Ticket (5 minutes)

4.    Homework
Take the AR test on The Outsiders, print out the TOPS report, and have it to turn in on Friday.
Read a good book and get parent & my signatures on your Reading Log.

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