Thursday, September 12, 2019

1.    Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader and Review Learning Targets: Examining the Increasing Danger Right Before the Fall of Saigon (5 minutes)
     I can make inferences to deepen my understanding of Inside Out & Back Again.
     I can cite evidence from the text to explain how the central idea develops over the course of the plot of Inside Out & Back Again.
     I can cite evidence from the text to analyze how various sections of the novel reveal aspects of Ha’s character.
*  I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class.

2.    Work Time
A.   Rereading “TV News” and “Closed Too Soon”: Using the Text to Understand the Crisis in Ha’s Home (20 minutes)
B.   Rereading “Two More Papayas” and “Promises”: What Matters to Ha? (15 minutes)

3.    Closing and Assessment
A.   Debrief: Exit Ticket (5 minutes)

4.    Homework
Read pages 42–47 and complete QuickWrite 4
Check in with me if you are not yet halfway to your AR goal

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