Tuesday, March 9, 2020
Show What You Know:
-Write email
-Have Ms. EL proofread it
-Send email
-Start Slides Presentation
-Take photos for use in your presentation
Unit 2, Lesson 19 Packet due THURSDAY
Tonight, check out Slides Carnival and see if there is a template you'd like to use for your SWYK presentation
Work on your Genius Hour project for 10+ minutes. Log what you learned & date it. Bring your book & log on Thursday.
If you haven't decided how to communicate with your team members, do so tonight.
Read a good book.
-Write email
-Have Ms. EL proofread it
-Send email
-Start Slides Presentation
-Take photos for use in your presentation
Unit 2, Lesson 19 Packet due THURSDAY
Tonight, check out Slides Carnival and see if there is a template you'd like to use for your SWYK presentation
Work on your Genius Hour project for 10+ minutes. Log what you learned & date it. Bring your book & log on Thursday.
If you haven't decided how to communicate with your team members, do so tonight.
Read a good book.