Thursday, August 15, 2019

Want to donate? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Any Extra Required school Supplies for students who need them would be Great!
Also, consider these options for supporting Accelerated Core:
---If you donate by Sunday and use the code LIFTOFF, we will get a matching donation from the Gates Foundation!

Pick up these:

  • "Does Reading Fiction Make You a Better Person?" and related articles
  • Class Expectations
  • Annotation Handout

Learning Intention:
I can understand class expectations.
I can understand annotation strategies.
I understand the course syllabus.

Success Criteria:
I will be able to explain actions I can take to demonstrate respect in each of 6 domains.
I can show proficiency with course expectations on our syllabus Kahoot.
I can identify a new annotation strategy I'd like to try tonight.

Turn in your Student Inventory and ONLY THE BOTTOM SLIP from your syllabus. Use scissors. Place them in the appropriate bin.

Read through the cards from your 7th graders.  Pass them back up when you're done.

Discuss the highlights of the course syllabus with your partner.  Questions for Ms. EL?

Syllabus Kahoot

Class Expectations

Read ONLY Chapter 2 of The Outsiders and annotate in a logical and consistent way.  Track new info about your character.
Buy your books for this class or see me if your family can't afford it.
This is the student/parent link for Synergy (our new SchoolLoop).  Check it out!

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