Friday, March 26, 2020

Hi! I'm so glad you're here.

Note: There is no homework over spring break.  Finish this today, make sure you're caught up, and then take a week off.  We've all earned it.

Here's what we'll work on today:

General Coursework--

  • Go to Google Classroom and finish the "Reflection/Thank You Letter"--due today.
  • Do this today if you haven't already
    • Buy Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Reader's Edition by Michael Pollan. (Here is an Amazon link. Here is a Bookshop Santa Cruz link.) 
      • OR
    • Send me an email and I will get you a book. (If your family would like to buy a book for a classmate, click here.)


  • Need a new book to read for Q4? Check this out.
  • The Watsonville Libray is also an option for eBooks. See the 3/26 Stream post on Google Classroom for info.

Genius Hour--

  • Due today: Go to Google Classroom and complete the 3/27 section of the Genius Hour Log.  

Show What You Know project— 

Need more clarification on the steps below? I made a video tutorial! It's on Google Classroom under SWYK. 
  1. If you are the SWYK Slides owner, make a copy of your Slides project
  2. Transfer ownership of the copy to (one of) your partner(s)
  3. When/if you get the copy of your Slides project, rename it "Virtual" and then your current title (For example: "Virtual Presentation to Ms. Anita Vacation's Class at AJHS").  You can eliminate “Copy of”
  4. Change the name on the title Slide as well
  5. Share with your team
  6. Attach it to the assignment on Google Classroom, but don't press "turn in"
If we did this right, each team will have TWO Slides presentations attached to the SWYK assignment on Google Classroom. One (the original) is designed to be presented live, in case we get to do that. The second one is designed to be presented virtually (like, your presentation will be shared with your cooperating teacher and they will share it with their class, probably through Google Classroom).

Issues? Concerns? Please write to me in the Google Classroom Stream.  Other folks are probably thinking the same thing. If it's individual, though, you can email me through Synergy or here:

*After break, we will be working on contacting out teachers and actually making modifications. We're just getting ourselves ready to do that now.

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