Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hi! I'm so glad you're here! 

Today is the last day of Quarter 3.  We have some things to take care of to finish things up.

(If you didn't complete yesterday's work, use yesterday's blog post and Google Classroom to get caught up.)

  • Here's what we'll work on today:
    • General Coursework--
      • If you haven't yet, finish A Mighty Long Way and Little Rock Girl 1957 today.
      • We will be working with both books later this week to finish up our unit.
      • If you didn't already purchase Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Reader's Edition by Michael Pollan, the time to do so is now.  We will be starting this book during fourth quarter.  The book is $8, but used copies are available online. Here is an Amazon link. Here is a Bookshop Santa Cruz link. I know things are financially challenging for a lot of folks right now.  If you would like me to buy you a book, send me an email.  If you'd like to donate to the fund to buy a book for a classmate, click here.
    • AR--
      • Take an AR test on Little Rock Girl 1957 today. (Sorry, there isn't a test for AMLW.)
      • Today is the AR deadline for Q3.  If you need to take an AR test, go to the AJHS library website, and log in the way you normally do.  Please have all Q3 AR tests taken today.  (As of right now, 80% of you have made it to your goal! Amazing!)
      • Need a new book to read for Q4? Check this out.
    • Genius Hour--
      • Go to Google Classroom and complete the 3/24 section of the Genius Hour Log.  
    • Show What You Know project—
      •  Due Wednesday: Go to Google Classroom and complete the form titled "SWYK: Digital Adaptation Brainstorm"--it will be best to do this brainstorming with your team, if possible.
      • Due Friday: Work as a team to complete the Google Classroom assignment titled "Plus/Delta Chart on SWYK Presentations"

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