Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hi! I'm so glad you're here.

Zoom Class Meeting: 1 PM 
Jenna Etemad-Lehmer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ALA 8
Time: Mar 26, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 497 867 947
Password: 683883

If you use the meeting link from before, it won't work. Use this one.

Here's what we'll work on today:

General Coursework--

  • Go to Google Classroom and begin the "Reflection/Thank You Letter"--due Friday.
  • Do this today: Set an alarm on your phone because we're having class! We're going to try Zoom to have a class meeting on Thursday at 1 PM. (Check the blog or Google Classroom a little before 1 PM on Thursday for the link.) Honestly, I have no idea if this will work, but we'll give it a shot.
  • Do this today--Distance Learning Check In on Google Classroom. Am I killing you with coursework? Let me know!
  • Do this today
    • Buy Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Reader's Edition by Michael Pollan. (Here is an Amazon link. Here is a Bookshop Santa Cruz link.) 
      • OR
    • Send me an email and I will get you a book. (If your family would like to buy a book for a classmate, click here.)


Genius Hour--

  • Due today: Go to Google Classroom and complete the 3/26 section of the Genius Hour Log.  

Show What You Know project—

*After break, we will be working on contacting out teachers and making modifications.  

This will be the last SWYK assignment before break: Follow these steps today or Friday:
  1. If you are the SWYK Slides owner, make a copy of your Slides project and transfer ownership of the copy to (one of) your partner(s)
  2. When/if you get the copy of your Slides project, rename it "Virtual" and then your current title (For example: "Virtual Presentation to Ms. Anita Vacation's Class at AJHS").  You can eliminate “Copy of”
  3. Change the name on the title Slide as well
  4. Share with your team
  5. Attach it to the assignment on Google Classroom

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