Monday, March 23, 2020

Hi! I'm so glad you're here! 

Tomorrow (Tuesday, March 23) is the last day of Quarter 3.  We have some things to take care of so that we can finish strong.

Here's what we'll work on today:
  • General Coursework--
    • Go to Google Classroom and complete "Roll Call! Period 1"--due today.
    • Turn in anything on Google Classroom that needs to be submitted.
    • If you haven't yet, finish A Mighty Long Way and Little Rock Girl 1957 by Tuesday.
    • We will be working with both books on Wednesday.
  • AR--
    • Take an AR test on Little Rock Girl 1957 by Tuesday. (Sorry, there isn't a test for AMLW.)
    • Tuesday is the AR deadline for Q3.  If you need to take an AR test, go to the AJHS library website, and log in the way you normally do.  Heads Up--apparently, AR tests are closed on the weekends.
    • Need a new book to read? Check this out.
  • Genius Hour--
    • Complete the top portion of the "Genius Hour Log" on Google Classroom, but do not turn it in yet. (We're not done!) 
    • Work on your GH project for 15 minutes today.  Be sure to fill out the log for today's date.
  • Show What You Know project—
    • Today: Spend time today connecting with your teammates virtually: Skype, FaceTime, Asana, Skype, Zoom, Jitsi, text message, email, the comments section on your Google Doc or Slides presentation, the Pony Express--it's all good.  Just make sure all team members are included.  Ask them how they are doing.  Let them know how glad you are to have them on the team.
    • Coming on Tuesday: Since schools are now closed until 4/12, we should consider the possibility that we may need to share the SWYK presentations digitally rather than in person.  I know this isn't ideal, but I think we can still make them awesome presentations.  Start brainstorming as a group about how you might like to share this important information virtually.  You will be asked to share the ideas you've come up with on Tuesday.
    • Coming on Thursday: Double check that you have attached your Google Slides/Doc to the SWYK assignment on Google Classroom (but do not turn it in yet) and check out some of the examples from previous years. (They are attached to the assignment.) You will be asked to analyze the strengths and areas for growth of these examples on Thursday.
  • This video shows you how to clear your cache.  If your computer or Chromebook isn't working right, or is sluggish, you might want to try this.  It's in the first minute or so of the video.

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