Info for Students with Absent/Missing Work & Those Needing to Reach AR Goal

I'm so glad you're here!  Could you text a classmate and tell them to check the blog and Google Classroom? Thank you SO MUCH!

I was imagining that the district would reset the dates for AR, the end of third quarter, and the grading deadlines, so that we could deal with AR tests, absent work & make-up tests in person once we were back in school.

It appears that I was wrong. (*gasp*)

At this time, it appears that all district deadlines will stay the same.  That means that Q3 ends on Tuesday, March 24, and Q4 begins on Wednesday, March 25.  It also means I need to finalize grades as soon as possible.  To that end, I will not be adding any new tests or assignments.  Anything not entered at this time will be a Q4 grade.  (There were just too many absences during the last week we were together to do it any other way.)

So, here's the plan:

First of all, everyone should check over all of their grades for all of their classes.  Make sure you're looking at each assignment for each class.  Make a list of issues you need to address.  Write down: Course title, title of assignment, and date due.

Next, check your AR stats.  If you have not met your Quarter 3 goal, you have until 3/24 to do so.  Make a specific plan.  Double-check that the book you're about to read: 1) has an AR test and 2) has not already been read and tested on by you.  Do some math and figure out how much you need to read each day to be able to test on Tuesday, 3/24.  Make it happen.

To test at home: Go to the Aptos Junior High Library website.  It is important that you start there. Log in the way you normally do to take an AR test.  At this time, the "test at home" option has been enabled, so you will be able to test without a password.  It may take a few extra clicks, but it works. If you run into any issues, feel free to email me.

Make-Up Work
Anything you are able to make up (you have the work), you should complete it, take a picture of it, and send the picture to this email:  In the email, please give me as much information as possible including: your name, class, period, assignment title and due date.

Anything you are unable to make up (tests, situations where you don't have the work), email me at and let me know your name, the assignment title, due date, and the reason it wasn't taken/turned in on time (e.g., absence).  If I can get you the work, I will.  If I can't, I promise to be fair. (In most cases where I can't get you the work or you can't do it, I will remove the zero from your grade.)

Questions? Email me at

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