Friday, March 6, 2020

Select Show What You Know Projects & begin work

--Brainstorm a list of things you wish you had known before entering junior high

--Write down your "junior high" story arc.  What was it like for you to transition from 6th grade to the junior high?

Preview this model presentation.  Notice it's strengths & areas where it could become even better.

For those of you presenting to 6th grade classes, find the email info for the 6th grade teacher(s) you will be working with.

Work on your Genius Hour Project this weekend: aim for 30-60+ minutes of concentrated work time.  Log what you learned & include the date.  Bring your log and book on Monday.

Please bring your Module 3 books & work with you on Monday, particularly Unit 2, Lesson 18 and your Journey to Justice Note-Catcher.

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