Tuesday, February 18, 2020

     I can use evidence from Little Rock Girl 1957 to support my understanding of the text and build background knowledge of the civil rights movement.
     I can determine if sentences are in the conditional or subjunctive mood.
     I can analyze Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s use of the conditional and subjunctive moods in his speech.
*  I can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums to present information on the civil rights movement.

1.     Opening
A.   Analyzing Little Rock Girl 1957 (10 minutes)
B.   Reviewing Learning Targets (3 minutes)

2.     Work Time
A.   Analyzing Voice: Conditional and Subjunctive Mood (15 minutes)
B.   Arkansas Gazette Editorial: Evaluating the Advantages and Disadvantages of Text as a Medium (15 minutes)

3.     Closing and Assessment
A.   Debrief Learning Targets and Previewing Homework (2 minutes)

4.     Homework

  • Finish classwork, if necessary
  • Read Chapter 10 in A Mighty Long Way and complete the structured notes.
  • Continue to work on your Genius Hour Project tonight and log it.

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