Friday, February 7, 2020

1.     Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader: Sharing Structured Notes (5 minutes)
B.   Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes)

     I can understand different mediums and their advantages and disadvantages when presenting information.

     I can use evidence from Dr. King’s Montgomery Bus Boycott speech to support my understanding of the text and build background knowledge of the civil rights movement.

2.     Work Time
A.   Close Reading: Montgomery Bus Boycott Speech (30 minutes)

3.     Closing and Assessment
A.   Partner Share (3 minutes)

4.     Homework
A.   Read Chapter 3 of Little Rock Girl 1957 and complete the structured notes.
B.  Complete the Unit 2, Lesson 5 Packet
C.  Work on your Genius Hour project for 30+ minutes this weekend.  Log what you learned & come ready to share your book & log on Tuesday.

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