Friday, February 28, 2020

This is the Gallery Walk from the Mid-Unit Assessment, if you need it

1.     Opening
A.   Reviewing Learning Targets (3 minutes)

  • I can write an informational essay using relevant details from texts that are carefully selected and organized.
  • I can intentionally use verbs in the active and passive voice in my informational essay.

2.     Work Time
A.   Finish your essay planner (30 minutes)
B.  End of Unit 2 Assessment, Part 1: Drafting the Essay (20 minutes)

3.     Closing and Assessment
B.   Debrief Essay Writing (2 minutes)

4.     Homework

  • If you did not finish your essay planner in class today, make sure you do so over the weekend.
  • Spend some concentrated time working on your Genius Hour Project this weekend--let's aim for 30-60+ minutes.  Remember to log your learning.
  • Bring all your Genius Hour stuff next week: book, resource list, and log.
  • Complete the Active/Passive Voice Worksheet.
  • Read a good book.

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