Tuesday, October 8, 2019

1.    Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader: “Give One, Get One” about Pages 213–234 of Inside Out & Back Again (5 minutes)
B.   Unpacking Learning Targets (2 minutes)
Learning Intentions:
I can cite text-based evidence that provides the strongest support for an analysis of literary text. (RI.8.1)
I can determine a theme or the central ideas of an informational text. (RI.8.2)
I can analyze the structure of a specific paragraph in a text (including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept). (RI.8.5)
I can read above-grade informational texts with scaffolding and support. (RI.8.10)
Success Criteria:
Ongoing Assessment
     I can find the gist of the first paragraph of “Refugee and Immigrant Children: A Comparison.”
     I can analyze how specific words, phrases, and sentences help me understand how refugee and immigrant children are similar.
     I can cite evidence to explain the similarities and differences between refugee children and immigrant children.
     Answers to text-dependent questions, Part A

2.    Work Time
A.   Vocabulary and Predictions Before Reading: Venn Diagram to Compare Refugees and Immigrants (8 minutes)
B.   Reading Aloud and Rereading for Gist: Paragraph 1 of “Refugee and Immigrant Children: A Comparison” (10 minutes)
C.   Rereading and Text Dependent Questions (15 minutes)
3.    Closing and Assessment
A.   Mix and Mingle: A Similarity in How Refugees and Immigrants Adapt (5 minutes)
4.    Homework
A.   Complete the homework question at the very bottom of the “Refugee and Immigrant Children: A Comparison” Paragraph 1 Text-Dependent Questions.
B.  Complete a first read of pages 238–247. Take notes (in your journals) using the Structured Notes graphic organizer.
C.  Read a good book.

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