Tuesday, October 1, 2019

1.    Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader: Think-Pair-Share “Inside Out” (5 minutes)
B.   Review Learning Targets (2 minutes)

Learning Intentions/What we're learning:
I can cite text-based evidence that provides the strongest support for an analysis of informational text. (RI.8.1)
I can determine a theme or the central idea of an informational text. (RI.8.2)
I can analyze the connections and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events in a text. (RI.8.3)
I can use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words or phrases. (L.8.4)
Success Criteria:
Tools We Will Use:
     I can identify the strongest evidence in the text “Children of War” that helps me explain what challenges refugees face when fleeing home.
     I can identify the strongest evidence in the text “Children of War” that helps me explain challenges refugees face finding home.
     I can identify common themes that connect the universal refugee experience.
     Structured notes (pages 180–195 from homework)
     Written summary of “Refugees: Who, What, Where” (from homework)
     Summary Writing graphic organizer: “Children of War”
     Evidence Sort
2.    Work Time
A.   Independent Read: “Children of War” (10 minutes)
B.   Fleeing and Finding Home Anchor Charts (8 minutes)
C.   Rereading: Preparing to Summarize (10 minutes)

3.    Closing and Assessment
A.   Evidence Sort and Preview Homework (10 minutes)

4.    Homework
A.   Use the Summary Writing graphic organizer to write a summary paragraph of the article “Children of War.”
B.  Complete a first read of pages 180–195. Take notes (in your journal) using the Structured Notes graphic organizer. Complete three entries about Ha's challenges in finding home/dynamic character development.
C.  Read a good book.  See me if you need a recommendation.

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