Friday, October 18, 2019

1.    Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader: Poetry Read Aloud (6 minutes)
B.   Unpacking Learning Targets (2 minutes)

     I can make a claim about how the lives of refugees turn “inside out” when they flee home, using the strongest evidence I have collected from both the novel and informational text.
     I can make a claim about how the lives of refugees turn “back again” as they find a new home, using the strongest evidence I have collected from both the novel and informational text.
* I can cite where I found my evidence.

2.    Work Time
A.   Introducing Citations (8 minutes)
B.   Forming Evidence-Based Claims: Connecting the Idea of Fleeing and Finding Home with “Inside Out” (14 minutes)
C.   Forming Evidence-Based Claims: Connecting the Idea of Fleeing and Finding Home with “Back Again” (10 minutes)

3.    Closing and Assessment
A.   Preview Homework: Planning Your Essay Paragraphs 1 and 2—How to Plan (5 minutes)

4.    Homework--Due Tuesday!
A.   Complete your Forming Evidence-Based Claims graphic organizers if you did not do so in class.
Complete the Planning Your Essay graphic organizer for Body Paragraphs 1 and 2. 
B.  Read a good book.

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