Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Want to donate? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Any Extra Required school Supplies for students who need them would be Great!
Also, consider these options for supporting Accelerated Core:
---If you donate by Sunday and use the code LIFTOFF, we will get a matching donation from the Gates Foundation!

Pick up these handouts:
Course Syllabus
Student Inventory
Chapters 1-3 of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Learning Intention:
I will understand why we read literature.

Success Criteria:
I will be able to explain two benefits of reading and apply them to my life.

Lines and Blobs
John Green's Video: How and Why We Read

Explain two of the benefits of reading in a card to a seventh grade student and share some of your favorite books from last year with them. Get a bonus point if you can explain how one of those books helped you see things differently.

Turn it in when you are done and begin your homework.

Brainstorm annotation strategies & begin Ch. 1.

Complete the Student Inventory
Read through the course syllabus and return it signed tomorrow
Read ONLY Chapter 1 of The Outsiders and add your annotations to mine in any way that makes sense to you.

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