Thursday, August 29, 2019

Period 1 Agenda:
Please ask students to do these in order:
  1.  Go to the Library page on the Aptos Junior High website.
  2. Ask students to take the STARR test.
  3. The password for the test is FALLSTAR (all capitalized and all one word)
  4. When students finish, they should write ONLY the first paragraph of their constructed response.  They may do this on the ChromeBook or on binder paper. They should have a rough draft of the FIRST paragraph completed by tomorrow.
  5. At the end of the period, please ask students to copy their homework into their planners.
  6. Homework:
    1. Constructed Response:  Complete RD of ONLY paragraph #1 
    2. Read and annotate Ch. 12 of The Outsiders. Add to comp book notes.
    3. AR is now up and running.  Read a book, get signatures, and take tests within 3 days of finishing a book.
d. We will start Inside Out & Back Again on Monday. Bring your copy or see Ms. EL to rent one.

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