Friday, August 16, 2019

On your way in to class, pick up:
"Academic Integrity Policy"

and copy your homework:

  • Read and annotate Ch. 3 tonight.  Read for your assigned character in particular.  Pick a new strategy to help you track that character's development (if appropriate).

  • Read ONLY the first article in the "Does Reading Make You a Better Person?" packet.  Annotate it.

  • Review the section labeled "Academics" in your binder reminder. and read and sign the "Academic Integrity Policy"

Learning Intention:
I can trace the development of characters in a literary work.

Success Criteria:
I can effectively annotate the text to identify my character's qualities.
I can produce a Open Mind Diagram with my team that uses quotations, words, symbols, and pictures to exemplify my character.
I can present my team's thinking to the class.

Review Class Expectations

This or That: Learn at least three new names.

Take out Ch. 1 & 2 of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
With your partner, discuss:
--the annotation strategies you used
--what you noticed about Ms. EL's annotations
--Read and discuss today's annotation handout with your partner
--the gist of Ch. 1 & 2

What questions did you have on Chapters 1 & 2?

What are some important teamwork strategies?

In your group of 4, map out your assigned character & present to the class.

Begin reading and annotating Ch. 3

Bring your 7th grade ID card or your temporary ID to class on Monday if you need a copy of The Outsiders. Plan to meet in the library on Monday at the start of school.

Read and annotate Ch. 3 tonight.  Read for your assigned character in particular.  Pick a new strategy to help you track that character's development (if appropriate).

Read ONLY the first article in the "Does Reading Make You a Better Person?" packet.  Annotate it.

Review the section labeled "Academics" in your binder reminder. and read and sign the "Academic Integrity Policy"

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