Important Info for Monday, March 16--Friday, March 20, 2020

Homework for March 16-20:
Hi! I am so glad you're here!  Could you text a classmate and tell them to check the blog and Google Classroom?

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. 
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
--J.R.R. Tolkien

Is it time for a Lord of the Rings re-read? Some Harry Potter, perhaps? Let's consider pulling inspiration during this trying time from characters who have overcome challenges.
  • A case in point: Finish A Mighty Long Way and Little Rock Girl 1957 this week. Be prepared to work with both.
  • Read lots of good books this week. Plan to read at least 30 minutes per day.  Read more if you need to reach your AR goal or if you want to because reading is awesome.  You should be able to quiz at home now or soon with AR.  Remember to have integrity with this process (and all virtual learning where it might be easy to cheat): Your junior high grades don't count toward college, but your learning does. Don't cheat yourself out of learning.
  • Work on your Show What You Know project—Figure out how to connect with your teammates virtually: Skype, FaceTime, Asana, Skype, Zoom, Jitsi, text message, email, the comments section on your Google Doc or Slides presentation.  Make sure all team members are included.
    • Additionally, since schools are now closed until 4/10, we should consider the possibility that we may need to share the presentations for the 6th graders/7th graders/parents digitally rather than in person.  I know this isn't ideal, but I think we can still make them awesome presentations.  Start brainstorming as a group about how you might like to share this important information virtually.
    • Attach your Google Slides/Doc presentation to the assignment on Google Classroom and check out some of the examples from previous years.
  • Work on your Genius Hour project—keep learning and logging your new info, but also start thinking about what you want to do with all this new knowledge.
    • Next week, we will be shifting to a digital log, so start playing around with logging digitally this week if you haven't been.
    • Please note: This does NOT mean you need to convert any previous logs to Google Docs. We’ll just start using electronic logs moving forward.

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