Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Pass up your signed permission slip.  If you forgot it today, bring it tomorrow.

  •  I can use evidence from Little Rock Girl 1957 to support my understanding of the text and build background knowledge of the desegregation of schools in U.S. history.
  • I can understand the different mediums used to present an idea.
  • I can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums to present information on the civil rights movement.

1.     Opening
A.   Engaging the Reader: History of Mass Communication (7 minutes)
B.   Reviewing Learning Targets (1 minute)

2.     Work Time
A.   Evaluating Advantages and Disadvantages of Photography as a Medium (10 minutes)
B.   Introducing the End of Unit 2 Assessment Prompt and Analyzing the Impact of the Press in Little Rock Girl 1957 (25 minutes)

3.     Closing and Assessment
A.   Debrief Learning Targets (1 minute)
B.   Previewing Homework (1 minute)

4.     Homework

  • Finish classwork, if necessary.
  • Read Chapter 9, pages 162--172 in A Mighty Long Way and complete the structured notes.
  • Work on your Genius Hour project & log what you learned.  Bring your book and log tomorrow for a grade.
  • Read a good book.

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