
Showing posts from December, 2019

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Finish watching A Midsummer Night's Dream Discuss Genius Hour Homework: Complete the Vacation Reading Assignment Continue to add to your Genius Hour list.  Think first about what interests you.  Then, consider what you might like to learn more about.  Finally, think about how you might share that learning with our community. Consider stocking up on school supplies, if necessary. Have a wonderful vacation.  I hope it's full of rest, fun, and good books.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Begin the movie: A Midsummer Night's Dream Notice how the director and actors stay faithful to the play and how they depart from it. Discuss what interests you for Genius Hour. Homework: Continue to think about what interests you and what you might like to learn more about. Complete a Vacation Reading Assignment session and get it signed off by an adult. (Remember to take tests today for AR Q2 credit if you still need to do so.)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Correct test What is the point of Genius Hour? Brainstorm ideas Share out & refine ideas for your Genius Hour Project VRA session Homework: Complete another VRA session and get it signed & dated by an adult Talk through your Genius Hour ideas with a parent or older sibling & listen to input Consider bringing snacks to share for our last day of 2019 together on Thursday.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Turn in essays Correct assessment Launch Vacation Reading Assignment (VRA) Discuss the Genius Hour project and brainstorm a list of possibilities Homework: Read a good book.  Points are due Wednesday. Read and get your VRA signed tonight. Think about your Genius Hour Project.  What might you like to do? Is there a book you could read related to your area of interest?

Friday, December 13, 2019

Read over your Inside Out & Back Again essay Fill out the Writing Improvement Tracker Read through your AMND essay and look for similar steps and stars Make notes on your current essay--what do you want help with? what do you want to do more of? Trade papers/share with your partner and get feedback on your AMND essay Work to improve your essay Homework: Finish the final draft of your essay.  Bring a printed copy to class on Monday and turn it in on Google Classroom. Read a good book.  Points are due 12/18.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Type the rough draft of your essay. As you type, consider making notes about things you might like help with. Peer Review: --What step could the writer take to make it even better? --What is the writer doing well? Homework: Finish typing the rough draft. Read a good book. Points due Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Counterclaim Intro Conclusion Homework: Finish all parts of your full essay planner Read a good book--points due 12/18 Prepare for MAP testing tomorrow: pack snacks, get a good night's sleep, wear comfy clothes

Monday, December 9, 2019

1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Writer and Reviewing Learning Targets (5 minutes) •      I can critique my partner’s use of evidence using criteria from A Midsummer Night’s Dream Argument Rubric. •      I can revise my work by incorporating helpful feedback from my partner. •      I can write an organized argument essay about A Midsummer Night’s Dream. *  I can use correct punctuation in my Quote Sandwich. 2.      Work Time A.    Incorporating Evidence in an Argument Essay (20 minutes) B.    Peer Critique Protocol (15 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Previewing Homework (5 minutes) 4.      Homework Plan Body Paragraphs 1 and 2 in the essay planner.  Read a good book.  Points are due by December 18. ***If you were absent on Friday, come in to take...

Friday, December 6, 2019

1.       Opening A.     Reviewing Learning Targets (3 minutes)   I can analyze an author’s word choice in an excerpt of  A Midsummer Night’s Dream .   I can explain how Shakespeare has drawn upon a myth and rendered it new. I can analyze the structures of two texts and explain how they contribute to the meaning of each. 2.       Work Time A.     Mid-Unit 2 Assessment: Author’s Craft: Analyzing Shakespeare’s Craft: Part 2 (39 minutes) 3.       Closing and Assessment A.     Debrief (3 minutes) 4.       Homework A.     Complete the Supporting Evidence-Based Claims graphic organizer by Monday. B.  Continue your independent reading.  Plan to meet your goal by 12/18. C.  If you need more time on the test (or need to take it due to trip/absence), plan to test in here on Monday...

Thursday, December 5, 2019

1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Writer and Reviewing Learning Targets: QuickWrite Responses from Homework (5 minutes) 2.      Work Time A.    Coding the Evidence of Control Note-catcher (15 minutes) B.    Building an Evidence-Based Argument (20 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Exit Ticket (3 minutes) B.    Previewing Homework (2 minutes) 4.      Homework A.    Complete the Supporting Evidence-Based Claims graphic organizer by Monday. B.  Continue your independent reading.  Plan to meet your goal by 12/18. C.  Organize your binder and review your work for tomorrow's quiz.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Writer and Reviewing Learning Targets (5 minutes) 2.      Work Time A.    Reading and Analyzing the Model Essay (35 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes) B.    Previewing Homework (3 minutes) 4.      Homework A.    Finish today's packet (all parts) B.  Continue your independent reading.  We have two weeks left to read and test.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Spelling Bee Return work Begin homework Homework: A.    Finish adding to your Evidence of Control Note-Catcher if you didn't yesterday. B.  Make sure you are reading a good book.  There are lots of good books in Room 21 you can check out. C.  Skim over your returned work and organize it in your binder in preparation for the quiz we will have on AMSND on Friday.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Congo Line to turn in DC Homework/work I haven't collected from you. 1.      Opening A.    Engaging the Reader: Share Responses to Homework Question (5 minutes) B.    Reviewing Learning Targets (2 minutes)   I can analyze the development of the theme of control in A Midsummer Night’s Dream . I can analyze how Robin’s speech reveals his character. I can explain why Shakespeare's works have such a universal appeal. 2.      Work Time A.    Drama Circle: 5.1.380–455 (10 minutes) B.     Update Control Note-Catcher/Determining Other Themes in the Play (10 minutes) C.     Gallery Walk / Mix & Mingle Notecatcher (17 minutes) 3.      Closing and Assessment A.    Preview Homework (1 minute) 4.      Homework Reread 5.1.380–455 and complete the Unit 2, Lesson 8 Packet. Complete all parts of your Evidenc...