Tuesday, November 12, 2019


 1. Opening
A. Engaging the Reader: Discussing the Focus Question (10 minutes)

“What are the consequences of Oberon’s attempts to control others using the ‘love-in-idleness’ flower?”

* “Who does Lysander try to control while he is under Oberon’s spell?”
We will begin reading Act 3 today, which features Bottom and the other tradesmen rehearsing for their play.

B. Reviewing Learning Targets (1 minute)
• I can analyze the theme of control in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
• I can analyze the poetry and the prose language in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and how each contributes to meaning and tone.

 prose = regular, non-rhyming language

2. Work Time
A. Drama Circle: Act 3, Scene 1, Part 1 (20 minutes)
 --starting on page 69 (3.1.1) and ending on page 73 (3.1.75).

What do you remember about the play within the play?

The group of tradesmen, directed by Peter Quince, have decided to perform a play for Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding. They have been meeting in the woods to prepare for the play. Although Quince is the director, Bottom has emerged as the vocal leader of the group.

B. Author’s Craft: Poetry and Prose (13 minutes)
What do you notice about the language of this part of the play: How does it differ from the language of Act 2?

Act 2=
Act 3=

•  Shakespeare made these choices about language intentionally because he wanted the language of his play to convey certain messages about the characters and the content.
Work with  partners to answer the last question on the page: “What message(s) did Shakespeare want to convey about his characters by writing some of their lines as verse and others as prose?”

3. Closing and Assessment
A. Preview Homework (1 minute)

4. Homework
A. Reread 3.1.1–75 and complete the Unit 1, Lesson 15 Packet.
B.  Read a good book.  You should be roughly halfway to your goal.

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