Friday, August 23, 2019

Pass back work

Understanding Trauma Presentation

In your Comp Book Character Notes---
Apply this knowledge to your character in The Outsiders.
-When have they potentially experienced trauma?
-What might the trauma result in? (e.g., what might be going on in their nervous system? what coping mechanisms have they developed?)
-If you were this person's peer counselor, what coping mechanisms might you recommend to help them experience post-traumatic growth (think: Salva) rather than another outcome.

--If you have extra time, apply this information to another character in The Outsiders.

Strategies for calming the central nervous system--

Discuss Ch. 7
Begin reading and annotating Ch. 8

Read Ch. 8 in The Outsiders, annotate it, & add to your comp book notes on the characters
Read a good book
Do something nice for someone else and something nice for yourself this weekend

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